Necropolis Immortal

Chapter 1941 – The Seventh Peak Grand Supreme

Chapter 1941 – The Seventh Peak Grand Supreme

“Hot damn, peak grand supremes are seriously terrifying!” Cen Sui kept gulping next to Lu Yun. There was no place for him in a battle of peak grand supremes—any of the ripples emanating from their moves would dust him to ashes.

Thankfully, he’d stayed on top of Snow Lotus ever since they arrived in this strange world. Thus, the treasure’s protection extended to him.

“Where’s Wu Ru?” Lu Yun frowned. “He’s alive, the Disordered Empyrean Supreme only occupied his thoughts. She didn’t kill him, so he’s still around here somewhere!”

“Who cares about that traitor!” Cen Sui glared. “Given how strong Wu Ru’s shamanic arts are, it’s not easy even for a peak grand supreme to take over his mind. Not to mention, the Disordered Empyrean Supreme is only strong because of the disordered energy here. Her will hasn’t reached the level of a peak grand supreme in the outside!

“That kid let himself be taken over, or was putting on an act!”

Lu Yun’s heart skipped a beat. He’s right.

One hundred thousand grand supremes had been gathered to supplement her fragments of thought. However, if sheer quantity was sufficient to bridge the gap between grand supreme and peak grand supreme, would there only be six peak grand supremes in the chief words?

Even if the shamanic ancestor’s skull boosted the Disordered Empyrean Supreme’s strength to that of a peak grand supreme’s, her will was only an ordinary grand supreme’s. Would an ordinary grand supreme be able to fully take over the mind of a peak shamanic genius like Wu Ru?

Shamans were the greatest authority in the chief worlds when it came to the study of the mind, flesh, and blood essence. Even after the appearance of formula dao and incredible demand for it, the shamans were the only ones who remained unmoved.

When the Disordered Empyrean Supreme saw the marks of peak grand supremes on Lu Yun, she brought them here without another word. Only in a place of intersecting disorder could she withstand such personages.

“Wu Ru… is just playing into the supreme’s schemes. He hasn’t given up on recovering his ancestor’s skull,” Lu Yun realized.

“I can also tell you something else,” Cen Sui sneered. “Although the three peak grand supremes are battling each other, neither side wishes to kill the other. Yun Yi has gone to so much effort and sacrificed one hundred thousand lives to resurrect this Disordered Empyrean Supreme. She won’t bear to kill her opponent at this juncture.

“Since the supreme owes Yun Yi a great debt of gratitude, she won’t kill her benefactor either. The three of them are most concerned with you!

“Yun Yi and Tailong wish to protect you and the Disordered Empyrean Supreme wants your hell…” Cen Sui chuckled ruefully at Lu Yun. “All of this will be over if you give her hell. You might even strike up a friendly relationship with her and the chief worlds would have another peak grand supreme.”

“Give her hell? I already said that I’d give it to her if she joins the immortal dao,” Lu Yun frowned. “Don’t try to pressure me with doing the right thing and keeping the bigger picture in mind. I don’t care about the livelihood of those in the chief worlds. I only care about my people in the World of Immortals.

“Hell is what supports the immortal dao at the moment. If it’s stripped out from that great dao, immortal dao will be weakened many times over, if not outright collapse!”

Of the grand supremes, high supremes, and numerous supremes beneath the immortal dao, all of them were denizens of hell thanks to the Tome of Life and Death. The only exceptions were the ten billion supremes that Tailong had given him. They’d melded their great dao into hell dao, and since hell dao was subservient to immortal dao, that strengthened the immortal dao in turn.

Once hell departed from immortal dao, the latter would fade to a shadow of its former self.

Hell was the medium that connected immortal dao to the Tome of Life and Death, and was the first thing that the treasure had subdued. If this wasn’t the case, it would be as Lu Yun said—no big deal to gift hell dao to the Disordered Empyrean Supreme. It wasn’t as if he wanted to be the master of hell.

The combination of hell, the Firmament Prison, and Ruina was reincarnation. He wielded the power of reincarnation!

With the Disordered Empyrean Supreme cultivating disorder and being placed on the opposite of order, disorder would turn into another existence beneath immortal dao if she joined. If disorder and order were unified, immortal dao would truly be the greatest dao in existence.

Naturally, the Disordered Empyrean Supreme didn’t want to work for someone else’s benefit. Neither was Lu Yun seeking to kill her. There was no one in the entire chief worlds who could accomplish the deed. What he needed to do was to run for his life. He’d be safe if he left the massive disordered vortex.

The supreme wouldn’t dare leave it for the time being. If she did, attention from the land of darkness would quickly come for her.

“Ah, right, isn’t there only one empyrean supreme in the chief worlds? The primordial heavenly emperor? Where does this Disordered Empyrean Supreme come from?” Lu Yun asked with confusion.

“And I thought there were only four peak grand supremes in the realm. If it wasn’t for the sudden opening of the empyrean tomb and the images of the six peak grand supremes, how would I know there’s actually six of them?” Cen Sui harrumphed.

Apart from Yun Yi and Qiu Feishan, there were two out of the original four that Lu Yun had yet to meet. Tailong’s appearance was so abrupt that even Yun Yi hadn’t expected him. After that, another peak grand supreme appeared under her nose in the Firmament Prison—the Dao King.

Additionally, there was a group of crippled peak grand supremes recuperating in the Land of Reincarnation. But since none of them could exert the strength of a peak grand supreme at the moment, no one treated them as such.

To the general public, the primordial heavenly emperor was the only empyrean supreme in the realm. The appearance of a second, however, didn’t raise too many eyebrows.

Their home was so big and fathomless that anything was possible. All they knew was what they’d seen and touched. In the meantime, there were plenty of unknown locales that they’d never seen or even heard of.

Not to mention that the Disordered Empyrean Supreme had just come back to life. Although she bore “empyrean supreme” in her title, she was one no longer. She was the seventh peak grand supreme in the chief worlds.

“Forget that, there are some things you’ll see only when you grow up. We see seven peak grand supremes now, but maybe we’ll see even more when we’re peak grand supremes ourselves. Maybe we’ll even meet living empyrean supremes!” Cen Sui said. “We should figure out how to save our asses first.”

The Disordered Empyrean Supreme was a fish in water given the presence of her throne in this world. She’d suppressed Tailong and Yun Yi, and it wouldn’t be long until she could spare some effort for Lu Yun.

Cen Sui was in the same boat as Lu Yun now. When the latter was taken care of, Cen Sui would be eaten as an afterthought.

“We can’t now, but we can if we find Wu Ru!” Lu Yun thought of the tiny crystal skull in Wu Ru’s hands. That thing pulled strength from the Disordered Empyrean Supreme—only her power would help them get out of here. But… where was Wu Ru?

They hadn’t seen a sign of him since arriving in this place, but Lu Yun had determined that he must be here somewhere.

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