World of Cultivation

Eight Hundred and Ninety – Hai Xin Bing’s Death

He was in a strange state at the moment. He felt as if he was a completely different person. He seemed to be possessed. His mind was unusually calm as though nothing in the world could affect him.

He did not panic facing Hai Xin Bing’s final attack before her death.

In the ten years he wandered the endless void, he had accumulated ten whole years of ideas and reflection. When his shen power recovered, the accumulation of the ten years was like a volcano that had waited a long time and then erupted!

He was more powerful now than the Tian Huan Chief Elder had been back then.

Also, he had forged a top shen device like [King’s Domain].

The Chief Elder’s shen glyph sea had given Zuo Mo great inspiration. Zuo Mo was also skilled in shen glyphs as well. In the past, Chief Elder had been more skilled than he was, but now, Zuo Mo was undoubtedly the most skilled in shen glyphs. In the tens years of exploring the endless void, he had seen countless shen glyphs, more than Chief Elder had.

This shen glyph galaxy was a step beyond Chief Elder’s shen glyph sea. This place was completely made from shen glyphs, including the Chief Elder’s shen glyphs, and the glyphs from the endless void.

There were no seal scripts.

Also, Zuo Mo had a far more heterogeneous knowledge than Chief Elder. For example, his shen power was the sun shen methodology, one of the strongest shen methodologies of the ancient era.

[King’s Domain] combined the best of all he learned.

Hai Xin Bing was blocked.

The one that stopped her was the Black Gold Seal Soldier.

At this time, the Black Gold Seal Soldier was completely transformed. His body flashed with armor made from shen glyphs, as though he was wearing a grand costume. These shen glyphs flashed with different colors, some deep blue, some burning red, and some golden yellow. All kinds of light mixed. However, it was not chaotic, but indescribably balanced and beautiful.

Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of thousands of spectators, the Black Gold Seal Soldier put in great effort.

“Born to battle!”

The authoritative and deep shout was like an ancient war god. His eyes flashed with dark gold light that were intimidating and murderous.

His arms were brought together, his fists crossed. The right fist was wrapped by an icy blue shen glyph while the left fist was wrapped in a burning red shen glyph. When the two smashed together a great and blinding light was created.

The shattered icy blue and burning red fragments smashed together like shards of ice and sparks of fire.


The two streams of fragments twisted together like two dragons of blue and red that twisted together and leapt towards Hai Xin Bing.

Hai Xin Bing did not dodge. Viciousness flashed through her eyes. A layer of blue light lit up on the blue sword in her hand. She opened her hand and the long sword howled towards the red and blue fragments. Her body suddenly disappeared from the air, and immediately appeared at the side of the Black Gold Seal Soldier.

A glint of cunning flashed through the eyes of the Black Gold Seal Soldier.

Four shen glyphs appeared around Hai Xin Bing the moment she had appeared. The light of the four shen glyphs flowed with red, yellow, green, and white rays of light. Each shone on Hai Xin Bing.

Hai Xin Bing felt her body was trapped in a bog.

The Black Gold Seal Soldier was cunning to start with. After facing the hardships of the past ten years, he had become the most sensitive of the little ones towards openings and opportunities in battle.

Without any hesitation, he charged towards Hai Xin Bing.

The shen glyph galaxy was mentally connected to Zuo Mo. The Black Gold Seal Soldier was like a fish in water in this space. The strength of all of his skills multiplied.

He appeared next to Hai Xin Bing, raising his fists to throw towards Hai Xin Bing!

The shen glyphs on his fists and arm suddenly lit up with blinding light. There seemed to be a flowing ball of light that shot towards Hai Xin Bing.

Hai Xin Bing had the resolve to die and did not dodge. The long sword in her hand pointed in the direction of Black Gold Seal Soldier’s fist of light.

A rice-sized grain of icy blue light lit up at the tip of Hai Xin Bing’s sword. The blue light suddenly exploded in front of the Black Gold Seal Soldier!

An extremely cold presence swept out like a windstorm.

The Black Gold Seal Soldier’s expression changed slightly. His charging body twisted without warning and disappeared from his spot.

Across the battlefield blue snowflakes gently floated down. The hexagonal blue snowflakes added a contrasting fragility to the shen glyph galaxy. The icy blue snowflakes spread rapidly through the shen glyph galaxy..

Hai Xin Bing stood with her sword, her long hair blowing in the wind, as the snowflakes fell around her. Her gaze was as determined as iron as she channelled shen power into her sword.

The wind and snow became even stronger. Under her feet, glowing ice silently spread outwards.

In a blink, a thousand li was sealed in ice.

The shen glyphs that were sealed by ice were dim.

The flames of hope once again lit up in the eyes of many people. They saw the hope of victory again from Hai Xin Bing’s display of power.

The Black Gold Seal Soldier was angry!

He had actually made a mistake in front of so many people!

The proud Black Gold Seal Soldier howled. The shen glyph that covered his chest suddenly lit up with red light.

At the center of the shen glyph galaxy, that enormous sun that spat out red tongue of fire which shot out a ruler-straight line of fire. The burning red line of fire was the thickness of an arm and as fast as lightning. It immediately reached the Black Gold Seal Soldier and accurately struck the shen glyph at the center of his chest.

The line of fire entered the shen glyph.

Viciousness flashed through the Black Gold Seal Soldier’s eyes. His body bowed slightly, his eyes extremely wide as his cheeks puffed out.


The Black Gold Seal Soldier spewed forth a stream of red flames.

When the red flames landed on the ground, the glacial ice layer quickly melted.

The fire inside the Black Gold Seal Soldier’s stomach seemed to stream endlessly. He maintained his posture as he continued to breathe fire out of his mouth.

The bright red flames were like a moving snake which moved as it pleased along the ice layer.

The sound of the flames burning masked all other sounds.

The endless black void of the sky, the shen glyph ocean of stars, the wall of red flames that burned along the ice, the icy blue snowflakes that hadn’t even fallen before they were consumed by the flames.

These flowing flames did not show any signs of weakening.

Hai Xing Bing had a calm expression but she was dispirited inside. She, a Nether Lord, couldn’t even defeat a seal soldier?

And she had actually dared to challenge him for the throne, how laughable was this?

That dot of cold light had been the Ice Plains Shen Breath that she had harvest from the depths of the Northern Ice Desolate Plains. That shen breath had been and entity of extreme cold. She had spent great effort in forging it, and had thought it could seal all things.

She hadn’t expected ... ...

Was the difference between god-level and non god-level so great?

She felt extremely bitter.

The bright red flames were domineering and burning. It was shen fire of higher quality than her Ice Plains Shen Breath.

The other’s seal soldier had only shen fire and the power of the shen glyphs to stop the Ice Plains Ice Breath. An attack that she was had to burn her shen power to release.

She accepted her complete defeat. She was suppressed in all aspects.

The vast and burning presence that mask-wearing man had been exuding disappeared. His presence, the presence of the wasteland beast, they merged into one with this shen glyph galaxy.

He was nowhere, but seemed to be everywhere.

Hai Xin Bing felt unspeakably uncomfortable. His presence before had furiously grown as though there was no end. That had stunned her. Now, this omnipresent feeling did not make her feel terror but defeated.

When there was a large difference, you would be shocked. But when there was such a great difference, it was not so shocking.

The other used countless shen glyphs to transform a jie. The difference in cultivation was exposed in front of her.

The difference in shen power would not have caused her to lose her resolve. She felt hopeless because of the difference in cultivation.

Her burning shen power continued to flow into her sword. However, the rate that the ice plains spread could not keep up with the speed the other’s shen fire flowed. The bright red flames were as unstoppable as a prairie fire.

She really was a failure ... ...

She didn’t even have the ability to battle with the enemy ... ...

When her last thread of shen power was used up, the ice plains suddenly stopped expanding and were immediately consumed by the flames. A flower of ice appeared at Hai Xin Bing’s forehead. In a blink, the frost consumed her body.

She turned into a life-like statue of ice.

Crack crack crack!

Countless cracks appeared on the ice statue like a spiderweb.


The ice statue completely shattered into pieces of ice and were completely consumed by the burning fire that came.

A Nether Lord, the leader of the three hundred thousand strong army, Hai Xin Bing disappeared completely from the world like this.

So simply, so easily.

From beginning to end, the new king did not act.

Endless darkness, the shen glyph galaxy, the astounding great presence of the enormous sun. The entire jie was taken over.

Everyone that happened was so unrealistic as though it was a dream.

“Surrender or die.”

The cold voice echoed in every person’s minds. There was no pride, no happiness, just the same indifferent calmness.

Bam, someone’s mo weapon landed on the ground. It caused a chain reaction as the sound of mo weapons being thrown away clattered out.

After seeing Hai Xin Bing’s death, their last bit of spirit to resolve was completely shattered.

Zhu Nan Yue’s face was covered in tears but she did not shout something like ‘revenge for the Nether Lord’. She knew that resisting now would have no meaning except for wasting lives.

Beside her, all of the commanders of Northern Plain Ice Mansion had ashen faces.

They knew, everything was finished.

They silently threw away the mo weapons in their hands. No one could stop this person. He alone could kill all of them because he alone, could destroy this jie.

But for some reason, even they, while they felt sad, also felt relieved of a great burden.

–They finally did not have to be enemies against him.

This battle caused the reputation of the new king to reach a peak and surpass the old Nether King. Almost all of Nether Realm had seen this astounding battle. No one doubted the new king’s qualifications to ascend to the throne. Anyone able to defeat an army of three hundred thousand alone qualified.

After a short silence, the Nether Realm boiled and descended into an unprecedented celebration.


Their king was god-level!

The only god-level in the world!

Their king was the strongest of the world!

All of their unrest was swept away, all of their fear disappeared. The battle of the Central Plains had show people how powerful god-level was. However, in that battle, the Chief Elder of Tian Huan that had just entered god-level had died, and up until now, no new god-level had appeared.

But now, the Nether King was the first to possess a god-level, their king.

People started to dream. The Nether realm would become more prosperous under the leadership of the new king. All the leaders of Nether Realm’s various factions were travelling day and night towards Nether King Palace to pay homage to the new king, to be present when he ascended to the throne, and to personally swear their fealty.

Countless experts gathered towards Nether King Palace.

In the minds of the people of Nether Realm, King was fated to become a legend!

Was there anything more exciting than following a ruler like this?

The Nether Realm that had been showing signs unrest, internal discord, and approaching civil war was renewed, and filled with vitality.

Translator Ramblings: Slightly late today but better than never. Twenty five more to go!

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