The Magician of Sound

Chapter 320 - Men's Talk

The next day, Kai woke up early in the morning and immediately headed outside to wash his hair. It was a bit cold today, considering it was near Christmas already.

Evan woke up not long after him, finding Kai outside.

"It has become a bit cold… Isn\'t it?" Evan asked while shaking.

"What are you saying? We are in Argentina, you know. It\'s already Spring."

"It\'s still cold though."

"You can go run for half an hour to warm your body." Kai smirked.

"I…" He turned around and walked inside. "I shall make a coffee instead."

"Make me one too. Same as you."

"Sure thing."

Kai then turned around and looked around with a serious expression. He never went to a base in the middle of construction, so he was a bit curious as to why everyone was a bit tense. Even the information he gathered yesterday was about how they needed to prepare for the worst.

However, he soon got the answer. Although they had secured a border down to the south, it was not like they were far from this base. And the fact that the formation in Chile got broken through, they believed there might be another attack like that, creating a heavy atmosphere around the base.

He sighed and decided to go back inside, eating his breakfast and getting some canned food for their ration.

After that, Erica led them outside and lent them a truck. Kai was the one driving while Evan checked all their equipment behind.

It took them over five hours just to arrive near the location, and Kai intentionally stopped a bit farther from the two armies and the magical beasts.

If the army was in the south while the army from the new base occupied the east and the army from Chile came from the north, Kai was situated in the northeast, allowing them to reinforce either army.

However, Kai\'s choice was a bit unique despite choosing that place as his camp.

"Kai… Are you serious about this?" Evan stared at him in disbelief after listening to his plan.

"Yeah. We are going to strike from the middle. Because the magical beasts are occupied by the two armies, the middle area won\'t be that thick, so it\'s perfect for checking your ability."

"But…" He was still not convinced. Although it was not the thickest part, the magical beasts might turn around and eliminate them first instead, so he felt it was too dangerous to go there. "I believe we should attack them from the side… Probably going from the left side of the army on our left. It might be a bit too the coast, but I believe that is the best place to hunt them."

"Yeah, it\'s the perfect place." Kai nodded in agreement.

And this only confused Evan more. "If that is the case, then…"

"Unfortunately, the magical beasts will surely not allow us to make a surprise attack for the second time, right?"

"!!!" Evan finally realized why Kai dared to endanger himself.

"It\'s 1 PM right now, so even if we fight, it will stop at 6-7 PM. It will be too dangerous to fight during the night. We shall let the army handle it themselves, and because we attack them from this direction, they will face the two armies first before arriving at our doorstep." Kai smirked.

"Then…" Listening to his plan, Evan immediately looked at the map again and understood his plan completely. "I see. The next day is the day where we kill the leaders. Today, we can infiltrate a bit deeper to their ranks, so you can listen to their movements to discern which ones are the leaders because attacking the middle allows us to get closer to them…"

"Exactly so." Kai smiled. "After scouting the area with my ears, we shall strike all the places I have marked to eliminate all the leaders. And that will be the perfect time to use your plan to make a sneak attack on them."

Evan let out a long sigh. "I am really no match for you."

"No, no. The fact that you can discern my plan is already enough. It means you have been improving at a great rate. I am looking forward to your achievement after the three months training." He smirked. "We can\'t lose, or else we won\'t have a helicopter for our mission…"

"I will definitely try hard for myself and my heart. I am sure that not only Isabelle will not spare me, but Michelle will also lecture me for a long time and keep nagging every time we go on a mission."

"I can certainly see that." Kai nodded in understanding. "I just hope that she won\'t vent it on me."

"You sure have it rough, huh. I mean, you have multiple girls with you while I only have Isabelle. At the very least, my life will be peaceful for a long time…"

"Haha… They are very understanding, so I won\'t say much."

"True enough. You have Michelle, Tasha, Ayaka, and your childhood friend. By the way, are you going to keep ignoring Sofia\'s advance?" Evan asked.

"Sofia, huh." Kai let out a long sigh. "Yes. As long as \'I love him, so the base can get benefits AS WELL,\' I will keep ignoring her. I don\'t care about which base I am in, but I certainly don\'t want to have someone with that thought in mind."

"Fair enough. We are building a family here. If they are thinking of the base more than family, you will ignore them… I can relate because I might do the same thing." Evan nodded. "But many don\'t think like you do, you know."

"I know. Anyway, I am planning to draw my line for that and let fate take over this."

"Haha… Though I am wondering if you are going to simply love someone who loves you back? Or maybe in the future, you have a new teammate, and she loves you. Will you love her back?" Evan made a smug smile as if he just asked a hard question.

"That\'s a good question. Unfortunately, I have no answer for that." Kai shook his head. "But I do have a maximum limit. I don\'t want to have so many wives, you know."

"Fair enough. Too much is a problem as well. There might even be a civil war between the wives in the future… Not that I hope you experience such a thing."

"True. Anyway, I won\'t have that many because I don\'t want to handle many problems in the family." Kai sighed.

"Fair enough."

"What if Isabelle wants you to have a second wife? Or maybe your family gets you another one?" Kai smirked. Since Evan had been asking the whole time, he decided to strike back with this question.

"Ah…" Evan realized Kai\'s intention, but he needed to answer since Kai answered his question. "If it\'s the former, I will see her myself and take her to meet Isabelle. If it\'s the latter, I will fight it out with my family until we get a solution."

"Haha… Sounds like you… But I thought you never fought it out with your parents before?"

"Ehm, yeah. It was due to my personality, but I have a responsibility now… I can\'t just abandon it, right?" Evan put on a genuine smile.

"Haha, it seems after getting together with Isabelle, you have started to man up." Kai laughed.

"Please call it responsibility…" Evan corrected him. "And we should get going…"

"True. By the way, do you bring your suppressor?" Kai asked.

"Yes." Evan walked to the truck and grabbed two white cases, presenting them to Kai. He then opened it and showed a white gun with a complicated design. It seemed it was customized to fit his needs.

"As expected of Kudo Group, they are good." Kai nodded.

"Yes. It suits me perfectly. I have tested the power as well. I won\'t have a problem killing A rank magical beast unless they have a very hard shell. With my current healing ability, my mobility has increased too, so you don\'t need to worry about me that much." Evan assured him.

"That\'s good."

Evan then picked up the round white suppressor next to the gun and put it on.

Kai was curious about the second case, so he opened it, only to find many magazines.

"I also got a holster that has been customized to hold not only my gun but also twenty rounds of magazines. In total, I can shoot for four hundred times before resupplying in the camp."

"I see. Twenty bullets each mag… It\'s good enough. Your position is to support us from behind, so I don\'t think you will need that many bullets each day, but I think it\'s fine to bring that much if you have enough strength to carry them." Kai looked at him with a serious expression.

"Yes." He nodded and inserted the magazine before shooting the ground once.

Kai narrowed his eyes and realized what he meant by shooting the ground. "I think the sound is low enough for us to not get noticed. At least, it will have around ten to twenty meters in diameter before the sound becomes hard to hear."

Evan nodded.

"Prepare yourself now. We are going to the front line in ten minutes."

"Roger that."

After Evan wore the holster and prepared everything, they ventured out to where the magical beasts were. Kai was the one leading the group with both swords in his hands.

Meanwhile, Evan was following him while holding a gun with both hands. He didn\'t point it to the front or anywhere else like an amateur. Instead, he kept pointing it down, so no one would accidentally get hurt.

It took them a few minutes until they found their first target. It was a huge lizard spanning over five meters long.

"For now, I want to see how accurate you are. You are going to be the one to kill it."


"Then… Begin combat." Kai nodded and leaped toward the lizard.

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