The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 498: Triggering a hidden mission

Chapter 498: Triggering a hidden mission

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Blacksail pondered before answering to Sheyan’s inquiry.

"I can only say that be a fair and bold speculation, cap’n."

Shayan glanced at Blacksail, before sinking into deep thought.

"You haven’t told me the most crucial detail of this thing - the fruit’s name and uses."

Blacksail revealed a troubled countenance as he replied.

"Cap’n, this be all the knowledge I know, besides I am just a pirate. Oh blimey, tis’ be an exceptionally rare seed to fetch a good booty at Tortuga."

Sheyan smiled gently.

"Somehow, I feel your knowledge is rather profound, you resemble an alchemist."

Blacksail’s expression turned even more awkward.

"Actually cap’n, slave was I in the past…a petty and lowly slave. Fortunately, I lived under the protection of Turtuga* port’s Lil’lord Fokke. Durin’ that period, I eavesdropped on certain knowledge from a grand alchemist; knowledge that I was lucky to grasp successfully. That be the abilities ye saw from me. But with the destruction of Turtuga port, that grand alchemist had perished, and I be stuck livin’ as a pirate."

Sheyan’s interest was piqued.

"And the name of that grand alchemist is?"

"Alchemist Peigan, may his soul be at peace." Blacksail spoke with reverence.

Sheyan asked.

"How did he die? Even a pirate, I’m afraid, wouldn’t dare offend his dignity."

Blacksail shrugged his shoulders.

"Before the madness begun, the alchemist was summoned by the lord to the castle. Before he left, he brought along many treasures, aye, sayin’ he was gonna perform a soul rite. I still recall the dinner he tasked me to prepare before he left - six roasted black pepper lamb chop, or he be rewardin’ me wit’ the whip’o. A pity the alchemist be missing the delicious dinner I made fer all eternity."

Following that, Sheyan continued conversing with Blacksail, and managed to roughly grasp the current state of the presently ruined Turtuga port. Then, he allowed Blacksail to take his leave.

Without the need for Sheyan ordering, the pirates automatically took up positions after sailing out of sea region populated by sargassum. Once more, the sails of the Hill Maiden inflated, proving impetus for the ship to tear through the waves with paramount speed!

Visible foamy waves rolled in layer upon layer, pounding against the massive lime black reefs of the shore; hinting to the pirates that Tortuga was almost within reach.

As compared to the previous Turtuga port, this place demonstrated an appearance of being blessed by the heavens.

Spectating from an elevated bird’s eye view, the island was shaped like a very precise ‘C’. It had a bay of barely 200 metres, and was safeguarded by many lofty and towering black cliffs. Within this ring-shaped gulf, even 7-masted ships could take anchor here.

Causing the pirates to gasp in admiration, was a majestic triangular towering reef that was situated at the tip of the bay’s entrance. This gigantic reef signified that even with any impending hurricane, it would remain tough for such perilous exterior conditions to affect the tranquility and peace of the bay.

In contrast to Little Lord Fokke’s Turtuga port, this newly rising neutral port was supported by the backing of several clans.

After Sheyan’s crew witnessed the symbolic gigantic triangular black reef, they started hearing from afar, crackling sounds echoing from the brightly litted port.

A former british marine suspiciously mumbled.

"Are they setting off fireworks to welcome us?"

Ol’Seadog coincidentally overhead it, and bared his yellowish teeth while grinning.

"Nah, those be a firefight. Tortuga’s a free city brimmin’ with chaos and riches."

Most of the former british marines then shrugged their shoulders with incomprehensible expressions.

As the Hill Maiden was a british navy warship, they were greeted with a baptism of fierce bombardment, when they approached the narrow entrance of the bay.

Soon after, veteran pirates of the port sailed over in jolly boats. When they finally saw a distinct fluttering jolly roger, they then dispatched someone aboard to investigate. After demanding a sum for an ‘entrance fee’, they finally returned freedom of passage to the ship.

Apart from that, they also registered any trading intentions of Sheyan’s crew. For example, any loots they had wished to sell or merchandises to purchase. To put it simply, these old veterans were like the port’s ‘coast officers’, but they weren’t sloppy as well.

When the Hill Maiden smoothly took anchor by the shore, Sheyan started calculating his time.

There was still 3 hours before dawn, which indicated sufficient time left before their deadline.

To avert unexpected mishaps, Sheyan ordered all his pirates to wait on board first, while the trio and Canbi dismounted.

Canbi had previously been here once, and was roughly enlightened of the affairs of Tortuga. Moreover, the martial might of Canbi couldn’t be neglected.

If anything were to happen in their absence, Philips and Ol’Seadog would be the ones to resolve the disputes. Only after they return, would free time for the pirates be declared.

Although Sheyan’s current arrangement was pretty unreasonable, his power and influence had since engraved deep into their hearts. Hence, the pirates could only comply.

When the trip stepped onto Tortuga port, they instantly received notification from their nightmare imprints.

[ You have set foot on the pirate port - Tortuga land. ]

[ Main mission: ‘Set sail’ accomplished. ]

[ You receive 1,500 utility points. ]

[ You receive 1 achievement point. ]

[ Note: You reached Tortuga port 8 hours early. ]

[ You successfully triggered the qualification of the hidden main mission. ]

[ Do you wish to accept the hidden main mission? (Warning: this option will increase the difficulty and risk. You will not be permitted to accept the regular sequence main mission.) ]

The trio glanced at each other, before huddling together for a simple discussion. After unanimously deciding it wouldn’t be a huge problem, they selected to accept the hidden mission.

Reef waited first. After confirmation from Sheyan and Mogensha that the rewards earned from this mission wasn’t plenty at all, he decided to be patient in upgrading to becoming a Growth-Hunter.

Finally, he accepted the mission, trying his utmost to suppress the difficulty rate of this mission. Nevertheless, after the realm’s weakening of his rewards, Reef had only received 300 utility points from the prior main mission. Fortunately, that 1 achievement point wasn’t discounted.

Soon after, a list of notification swiftly projected out.

[ You activated the Hidden Main Mission: Break Point ]

[ Presently, Tortuga hides many hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Many individuals appear washed out, but in reality, buries countless secrets within them. You can inquire about valuable clues from the Grey Pigeon Tavern’s bartender of this port ]

Immediately, the trio communicated their destination to guide Canbi, instructing him to hastily lead them there.

Along the way, they realized Tortuga hosted multitudes of individuals, and was relatively bustling with chaos. It wasn’t as strict and orderly as Little Lord Fokke’s Turtuga port. Instead, it was thriving with the obscenity and crudeness unique to pirates.

The four of them traversed through the streets of Tortuga for a while. Those recklessly constructed buildings of the port appeared rather identical to a mole’s nest, while filthy and dirty pirates ran amok along the streets; occasionally, individuals getting walloped could be seen. Whores dressed in cheap garments and adorned with low-grade cosmetics allured their patrons. Their appalling makeup were analogous of the clowns of today - lips excessively red or faces overwhelmed with powder. The city port was seemingly covered by a layer of thick dust.

All of a sudden, Brother Black shot out his hand towards the rear, and seized a hand that was reaching into his pocket. The owner of that hand was a shabby wanderer, with an anchor tattoo stamped on his chest; one could determine he was an unemployed pirate.

Caught in his illicit act, the wanderer didn’t show a shred of guilt or realization. Instead, he thrusted the dagger in his other hand towards Mogensha. Evidently, the failure of pickpocketing had transpired into an outright robbery.

Since that was the case, Brother Black no longer held reservations; agily twisting the wanderer’s hand clockwise relentlessly, until a muffled pop resounded from his shoulder blade. Accompanied with a mournful shriek, Mogensha finally released him.

Drenched in cold sweat, when that bandit pirate raised his head in agony while casting a hateful glare over, Brother Black had already retrieved his ‘SN-9 Wasp’ pistol and cleanly exploded the wanderer’s head.

This was a straightforward utilization of gore and brutality to display he wasn’t one to be trifled with. Undoubtedly, this action intimidated 7-8 other individuals who were desiring to seek trouble.

Naturally, a merchant without self protecting capabilities wouldn’t be able to blend into this rowdy port. As long as one didn’t seek a shop’s trouble, then everything else was permitted.

Perhaps, only such a high degree of freedom could allow the pirates to feel relax. Apparently looking from that context, Tortuga’s abnormal prosperity wasn’t without reasoning.

The Grey Pigeon tavern wasn’t tough to locate. Wooden tables were inclined towards its interior walls, and the craftsmanship of the tables were simple and crude. Nonetheless, they shared a firmness and durability of being unmovable. Sheyan even noticed the mugs of this tavern were manufactured with wood.

The tavern was dimly litted, as the white candles on the counter appeared as though they would extinguish at any second.

Upon entering the bar, after having their noses cleansed by the fresh sea breeze for long, a sudden whiff of stinky feet, alcohol, sweat and a myriad of blended odours pierced into their nostrils.

The temperature within the tavern was probably 5-6 degrees warmer than outside. A boiling cauldron of voices filled the place; where some were weeping while others laughing.

Furthermore, an intoxicated brute was currently brawling with a random stranger, releasing an endless stream of ‘pows’ as punches and kicks pounded against flesh.

TN:*(TN’s IMPORTANT REMINDER This world’s Tortuga (特图加) is a different Tortuga from the first world’s Tortuga (土图加). Both changed to english is tortuga. HOWEVER, the tortuga (特图加) of this current world should be the one in the pirate of the caribbean movie. The Tortuga (土图加) in the previous world, should be a made up port by author. To prevent confusion, I will address the first world’s one as Turtuga (土图加) with a U instead.

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